About Us
JuteRopes.com is an web-based information initiative by GJRopes to help you learn about Jute, its history, products, their current uses and future applications.
Today, Jute may not be as ubiquitous as it was in the past due to the advent of synthetic fibers. However, a renewed global push towards sustainability and growing awareness of environmental degradation resulting from the use of synthetics, the focus on promoting use of Jute, Hemp and other natural fibers is greater now than ever before.

JuteRopes.com Product Range

Our aim is to create and spread awareness on Jute and the various types of products made from Jute namely Jute Ropes, Jute Twines and Jute Cords, Tapes and more.
At JuteRopes.com, we outline each Jute product along with its key industrial, commercial and home applications with examples to guide you on how best to incorporate Jute into your D.I.Y, individual or commercial project.